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单词 inevitable
释义 Word family  noun inevitability adjective inevitable adverb inevitably  in·ev·i·ta·ble /ɪˈnevətəbəl/ ●●○ W3 AWL adjective  1  CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYcertain to happen and impossible to avoid 必然发生的,不可避免的 A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable. 危机的进一步升级现在看来已不可避免。it is inevitable (that) It’s inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake. 医生偶尔犯错是难免的。inevitable consequence/result Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions. 恶劣的生活条件必然诱发疾病。► see thesaurus at certain2  the inevitable CERTAINLY/DEFINITELYa situation that is certain to happen 不可避免的事情 One day the inevitable happened and I got a speeding ticket. 有一天,不可避免的事情发生了: 我收到了一张超速罚款单。Examples from the Corpusinevitable• Since the leaders can't agree, more fighting is inevitable.• War now seems inevitable.• Nina could never escape the inevitable comparisons that people made between her and her twin.• If the population continues to expand, Ehrlich argues, mass starvation and ecological disaster will be the inevitable consequence.• Payton handled the inevitable questions about his past with great dignity.• The price of bread was doubled, with the inevitable result - riots in the streets of Paris.• It was inevitable that he'd find out her secret sooner or is inevitable (that)• Winter may seem like a long way off, but it is inevitable.• The comparison was then premature, but it is inevitable now.• If any nation decides to plant settlements upon the land of another, it is inevitable that a violent response will follow.• Perhaps it is inevitable that the relationship should be difficult.• During this period of transition it is inevitable that we will be teaching the old with the new.• As an entrepreneur, it is inevitable that you will be buffeted from side to side as you experience the roller coaster.• From time to time it is inevitable there will be some unwelcome arrivals in the net.• Speculating about their answers is pointless yet it is inevitable when Mr Garel-Jones's resignation letter crosses the boundary of credulity.Origin inevitable (1400-1500) Latin inevitabilis, from evitare “to avoid”in·ev·i·ta·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  to certain to avoid impossible Corpus happen and




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