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单词 indicative
释义 Word family  noun indication indicator adjective indicative verb indicate  Related topics: Grammarin·dic·a·tive1 /ɪnˈdɪkətɪv/ ●○○ AWL adjective  1  be indicative of something SHOW/BE A SIGN OFto be a clear sign that a particular situation exists or that something is likely to be true 显示出…;是…的迹象 This behaviour is indicative of her whole attitude, I’m afraid. 这一行为恐怕已表明了她的总体态度。2. technicalSLG an indicative verb form is used for making statements 〔动词〕陈述语气的Examples from the Corpusindicative• While this is not measuring the effectiveness of the advertising, merely memory of it, it is possibly indicative.• It is an indicative conditional, a conditional in the indicative mood.• The methods used to cut stone and gems can also be indicative of age.• So you do get a great disparity in numbers, which is not necessarily indicative of any kind of setup.• These traits alone are not indicative of extremist beliefs or violent behavior, the panel added.• It was indicative of Franco's childishly egocentric view of politics that he now chose to ignore Allied overtures.• Fire is an example of rapid oxidation, while rust is indicative of slow oxidation.• They are not indicative of underlying pathology.Related topics: Grammarindicative2 AWL noun [countable, uncountable] technical  SLGthe form of a verb that is used to make statements. For example, in the sentences ‘Penny passed her test’ and ‘Michael likes cake’, the verbs ‘passed’ and ‘likes’ are in the indicative. 〔动词的〕陈述语气From Longman Business Dictionaryindicativein‧dic‧a‧tive /ɪnˈdɪkətɪv/ adjective [only before a noun] an indicative offer or price shows how much someone might pay or charge but is not definiteWe will then invite interested parties to make indicative·dic·a·tive1 adjectiveindicative2 nounChineseSyllable  be Business a a clear sign particular Corpus that to




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