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单词 inconsistent
释义  in·con·sis·tent /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt◂/ ●○○ AWL adjective  1  DIFFERENTtwo statements that are inconsistent cannot both be true 〔两种说法〕不一致的,互相矛盾的 SYN contradictory OPP consistent The accounts of the witnesses are inconsistent. 几位目击者的说法不一致。inconsistent with His results are inconsistent with our data. 他得到的结果和我们的数据不一致。2  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSnot right according to a particular set of principles or standards 不符合〔标准或原则〕的 OPP consistentinconsistent with His conduct was inconsistent with what is expected of a congressman. 他的行为和国会议员应有的操守相悖。3  CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTinconsistent behaviour, work etc changes too often from good to bad 〔行为、工作等〕时好时坏的,变化无常的 OPP consistent The team’s performance has been highly inconsistent this season. 该队本赛季发挥极不稳定。Examples from the Corpusinconsistent• The main criticism of the argument from analogy is that these two assumptions are inconsistent.• Alarmingly, the character and quality of these early childhood programs is very inconsistent.• People feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary.• People feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary.• Students are rightfully upset by the college's inconsistent grading policy.• Very inconsistent, much having to do with poor communication between coach and players.• This prevents individual funds adopting financing policies which may be inconsistent or dysfunctional for the authority as a whole.• A succession of injuries produced an inconsistent season for one of our best players.• The team's performance has been extremely inconsistent this season.• Besides, there is nothing inconsistent with free will or even chastity in this view of life.• Is simplification as a pedagogic strategy inconsistent with the principles of a communicative approach to language teaching?• It often seems to be supposed that a concern for grammar is inconsistent with the principles of communicative language teaching.inconsistent with• Warren's conservative views seem inconsistent with his upbringing in a poor neighborhood.• For her, believing in God is not inconsistent with marveling at scientific·con·sis·tent adjectiveChineseSyllable  cannot both be Corpus inconsistent are that two statements




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