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单词 incinerate
释义  Related topics: Technologyin·cin·e·rate /ɪnˈsɪnəreɪt/ verb [transitive] formal  TBURNto burn something completely in order to destroy it 将…烧成灰烬;烧毁 All the infected clothing was incinerated. 所有沾染了细菌的衣服都被焚化了。n Grammar Incinerate is usually passive. —incineration /ɪnˌsɪnəˈreɪʃən/ noun [uncountable] an incineration plant 焚化厂→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusincinerate• All the clothes that were affected by radiation had to be incinerated.• The monkeys killed Wednesday were dissected for research and then incinerated.• For many years, solid waste was incinerated.• Now it was up to him to get the youngsters out, before they were trapped and incinerated.• People somehow assume that petrol disappears when it is burned, or that rubbish no longer exists when it's incinerated.• Household waste is usually incinerated after it has been collected.• Dragonfire incinerated Hugin the Plaguelord, and the rotting legions of Nurgle.• The entire neighborhood was incinerated in the first half hour of the fire.• Kirov stripped the tape from its spool and carefully incinerated it.• Waste packaging is to be incinerated rather than buried in landfill.• Another option is to incinerate the oil, but this is very wasteful.Origin incinerate (1400-1500) Medieval Latin past participle of incinerare, from Latin cinis “ashes”in·cin·e·rate verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus to destroy something it order in to burn completely




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