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单词 incident
释义  in·ci·dent /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun [countable]  1  HAPPENan event, especially one that is unusual, important, or violent 〔尤指不平常的、重要的或暴力的〕事件 Am I at risk because of some incident in my sexual past? 我过去性生活中的某件事会使我处于危险境地吗? Roads were sealed off because of a major incident. 因为发生重大事故,道路被封锁了。without incident The plane landed without incident. 飞机安全着陆。► see thesaurus at event RegisterIncident is used mainly in journalism or in formal contexts. In everyday English, people usually say something happened rather than talking about an incident: incident 主要用在新闻或正式的文体中。在日常英语中,人们一般说something happened,而不说an incidentAm I at risk because of something that happened in my past? 我是否因为我过去的什么事而面临危险?2  HAPPENa serious disagreement between two countries 〔两国间的〕冲突,严重摩擦 You could have caused a major diplomatic incident. 你可能引起了严重外交冲突。 COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa serious incident 严重事故The road is closed following a serious incident earlier today. 由于今天早些时候发生的一起严重事故,这条路现已封闭。a major incident (=very serious) 重大事件The most recent major incident was an explosion at an oil refinery. 最近的一起重大事故是一家炼油厂发生爆炸。a small/minor incident 小事件An apparently minor incident sparked off rioting. 一件看似很小的事引发了暴乱。the whole incident 整个事件The whole incident was caught on CCTV. 整个事件被闭路电视拍摄下来。a separate incident 不同事件Young men were killed in two separate incidents on the same day. 同一天有年轻人在两起不同的事件中被杀。a related incident (=connected to another incident) 相关的事件The report describes a number of related incidents. 这则报道描述了一些相关事件。an isolated incident (=one that happens on its own, not together with others) 个别的事件Luckily the attack turned out to be an isolated incident. 幸运的是此次袭击最终证明是一起个别事件。the latest incident (=the most recent one) 最近发生的事件nIn the latest incident a post office was broken into.a dramatic incident (=unexpected and exciting) 富有戏剧性的事件nViewers watched the dramatic incident on the television news.a violent incident 暴力事件nThere have been several violent incidents at football matches recently.a tragic incident (=one that involves someone’s death) 悲惨的事件nAndrew’s father was lost at sea in this tragic unfortunate incident (=involving an accident or argument) 不幸的事件nDisciplinary action may be taken over this unfortunate embarrassing incident 尴尬的事件nHe left after an embarrassing incident in the bar.a strange/unusual incident 怪事/非比寻常的事件nAny unusual incidents should be reported to the police.a shooting/stabbing incident (=when someone is shot or stabbed) 枪击/持刀伤人事件nTwo men died today in a shooting incident.verbsan incident happens 事件发生The incident happened as Mrs Edwards was walking her dog. 事发时爱德华兹太太正在遛狗。an incident occurs formal: 事件发生The tragic incident occurred just after midnight. 悲剧事件发生时刚过午夜。cause an incident 造成事故His carelessness caused a major incident. 他的粗心大意造成了一起严重事故。provoke/spark off an incident (=cause it to happen suddenly) 引发事件It is claimed that the police provoked the incident. 据称是警察挑起这一事件的。be involved in an incident 牵涉进某事件All those involved in the incident were sacked. 所有参与此事的人都被解雇了。deal with/handle an incident 处理事件nThe police were criticized for the way in which they handled the incident.describe an incident 描述事故nPolice asked the victim to describe the incident.Examples from the Corpusincident• The allegations all relate to an incident on Sunday October 25.• From the point of view of societies, economies and the countless incidents of short-term history, civilizations must seem immortal too.• Friday's shooting incident in East London led to several arrests.• Apart from the incident in Las Vegas our vacation was completely trouble-free.• The incidents are, as I said, legion.• This incident was notable only because it was my first seizure made on board a cutter.• Three people were arrested in connection with the rock-throwing incident.• The North then invaded the South and the Gulf of Tonkin incident followed.• Agricultural pollution accounted for more than 10 percent of total incidents, and for a third of the major ones.• Jewell Parker Rhodes' novel is based upon true incidents related but altogether forgotten by blacks and whites alike.• One violent incident turned into a political and family tragedy.• The fans were well behaved, and the game was played without incident.without incident• The plane took off without incident.diplomatic incident• Then, in Hong Kong, Chris Patten and family were reunited with their beloved terrier whose disappearance caused a diplomatic incident.• The looming enforced removal of Mr Ozberk, 30, has the makings of a diplomatic incident.Origin incident (1400-1500) French Latin, present participle of incidere “to fall into”in·ci·dent noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that event, especially an Corpus is one unusual, important,




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