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单词 inadmissible
释义  Related topics: Lawin·ad·mis·si·ble /ˌɪnədˈmɪsəbəl◂/ adjective  SCL law inadmissible information is not allowed to be used in a court of law 〔在法庭上〕不能采纳的 The evidence was ruled inadmissible. 此项证据被裁定不可采纳。 —inadmissibility /ˌɪnədmɪsəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusinadmissible• Accordingly, there was no basis for ruling out as necessarily inadmissible ab ante the evidence which the Crown sought to lead.• The delays incurred could sometimes render samples inadmissible as evidence in court.• However, since they are interspersed with shots of debris from the loch bed they are inadmissible as evidence.• The testimony of Pedro Castro Tojín was ruled to be inadmissible evidence because of his relationship with the victim.• Lie detector tests are inadmissible in criminal trials.• Accordingly it was held that the breath specimen had been inadmissible in evidence.• What is inadmissible in Lukacs's eyes is any impoverishment of this historical complexity.• In the absence of the jury, counsel for the appellant submitted that the documents were inadmissible in the criminal proceedings.• There was no reason to regard such evidence as inadmissible in the present case.evidence ... inadmissible• There was no reason to regard such evidence as inadmissible in the present case.• However he held that such evidence was inadmissible since the letter to Mr. Purkayastha unambiguously showed that the committee had misdirected itself.From Longman Business Dictionaryinadmissiblein‧ad‧mis‧si‧ble /ˌɪnədˈmɪsəbəl◂/ adjectiveLAW if something produced as EVIDENCE in a court of law is inadmissible, it is not allowed to be usedThe tape recording was ruled inadmissible because it had been illegally·ad·mis·si·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  inadmissible not be information Business is allowed a used in Corpus to




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