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单词 ineffectual
释义 Word family  noun effect effectiveness ≠ ineffectiveness adjective effective ≠ ineffective effectual ≠ ineffectual verb effect adverb effectively ≠ ineffectively  in·ef·fec·tu·al /ˌɪnəˈfektʃuəl◂/ adjective  EFFECTIVEEFFICIENTnot having the ability, confidence, or personal authority to get things done 无能力的;无信心的;无威望的 an ineffectual leader 无能的领导人 She remembered her ineffectual efforts to comfort him. 她记得自己曾努力去安慰他,但徒劳无功。 —ineffectually adverbExamples from the Corpusineffectual• All of their attempts to come to an agreement has been ineffectual.• He's a nice enough man, but rather ineffectual as a team captain.• The police were completely ineffectual in this matter.• The problems were made worse by the ineffectual political leadership of the·ef·fec·tu·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  to get Corpus not having things the or personal ability, confidence, authority




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