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单词 asp
释义  Related topics: Animalsasp /æsp/ noun [countable]  HBAa small poisonous snake from North Africa 角蝰〔北非的一种小毒蛇〕Examples from the Corpusasp• Still, even in Biarritz asps are presumably hard to come by and the audience was in no mood to be critical.• Among its spools and needles, a pet asp restlessly wound itself about.• Unconsciously, it may have been, her fingers closed upon the asp.Related topics: ComputersASP /ˌeɪ es ˈpiː/ noun [countable] technical (application service provider) a company that supplies organized sets of computer software to other companies so that they can do business on the Internet 〔因特网〕应用服务提供商Examples from the CorpusASP• Is Unux capable of translating ASP?Origin asp (1300-1400) Latin aspis, from Greekasp nounASP nounChinese  poisonous Corpus from Africa North snake small a




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