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单词 ignominy
释义  ig·no·mi·ny /ˈɪɡnəmɪni/ noun [uncountable] formal  ASHAMEDan event or situation that makes you feel ashamed or embarrassed, especially in public 〔尤指公开的〕耻辱,丢脸,不体面,不光彩 SYN humiliationignominy of He feared the ignominy of being exposed as a spy. 他害怕间谍身份被揭穿所带来的耻辱。► see thesaurus at shameExamples from the Corpusignominy• It was the final ignominy in the short, troubled history of the club that nearly made it to the First Division.• The final ignominy was a third place in Delaware.• The 1954 campaign ended in ignominy.• The Brockton and Rhode Island experiments ended in ignominy.• With visions of some touchdown-bound player slipping into ignominy, cleanup crews were quickly dispatched to clear the turf.• They left them the ignominy of being beaten and then ignored.• He could not watch this ignominy, however, and went upstairs to be alone in his private room.• Argyle survived the final bombardment and Shilton claimed afterwards he had even enjoyed his brush with ignominy.Origin ignominy (1500-1600) French ignominie, from Latin, from ig- (as in ignorare; → IGNORE) + nomen “name, reputation”ig·no·mi·ny nounChineseSyllable  situation or event an Corpus that you feel makes




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