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单词 identical twin
释义  Related topics: Microbes, genetics, biochemiˌdentical ˈtwin noun [countable usually plural]  SAMEFAMILYone of a pair of brothers or sisters born at the same time, who develop from the same egg and look almost exactly alike 同[单]卵双胞胎之一〔外貌相似〕 → fraternal twin →4  See picture of 见图 TWINExamples from the Corpusidentical twin• Enlarged ventricles have been found in an identical twin who develops schizophrenia, compared to the one who does not.• If one identical twin is gay, the chances that his brother is also gay are 50 percent.iˌdentical ˈtwin nounChineseSyllable  of pair of brothers a Corpus one or




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