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单词 hunting
释义  Related topics: Other sportshunt·ing /ˈhʌntɪŋ/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  1. DSOchasing and killing animals for food or sport 打猎,狩猎2. DSOin Britain, the sport of hunting foxes 〔英国的〕猎狐(运动) SYN foxhunting3. job-hunting/house-hunting/flat-hunting LOOK FORthe activity of looking for a job, house, or flat 找工作/房子/公寓房4. go hunting DSOto hunt for animals, especially as a sport 去打猎〔尤作为运动〕 —hunting adjective a hunting rifle 猎枪Examples from the Corpushunting• Becky Blandford, who's still seriously ill more than forty eight hours after a hunting accident.• A gunman wearing a hunting outfit killed 13 people at the University of Montreal yesterday before committing suicide.• Oh my, I think we're going hunting.• Job hunting takes a lot of effort and can be a long, depressing process.• They can not be predicted, and amateurs have a fine record in nova hunting.• Diana later realized that Camilla saw Charles's love of hunting as a conduit to maintaining her own friendship.• They're hunting, and you're hiding.• Since hunting was stopped about twenty years ago, the behaviour of the seals has changed dramatically.• Carnivores can also adjust the size of the hunting party to the kind of prey being sought.hunt·ing nounChineseSyllable  animals for Corpus or chasing sport food and killing




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