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单词 humbug
释义  Related topics: Food, dishhum·bug /ˈhʌmbʌɡ/ noun  1  [uncountable] insincere or dishonest words or behaviour 空话,谎话;诡计,花招;假道学 He dismissed the prime minister’s comments as ‘pure humbug’. 他对首相的评论不屑一顾,认为是“纯粹的假道学”。2. [countable] British EnglishDFF a hard sweet made from boiled sugar, usually with a peppermint taste (薄荷)硬糖3. [countable] old-fashionedPRETEND someone who behaves in a dishonest or insincere way, for example by pretending to be someone they are not 骗子,假冒者 SYN imposterExamples from the Corpushumbug• Ishmael concludes the stranger is a humbug.• I am tired of being such a humbug.• He was a champion against humbug in all its forms.• What an awful humbug you must think me for putting on such a show of affection!• All this talk of love and compassion is humbug when people are hungry and homeless.• Compassionate capitalists know that all this talk of love is humbug and poppycock when people are hungry, homeless, and unhappy.• It was all so much humbug.• The book is dominated by three tremendous figures: Mahatma Gandhi, part saint, part humbug, and unrelated to Indira.• Barnum's original circus was little more than humbug and hype.hum·bug nounChineseSyllable  words behaviour or dishonest Corpus or insincere




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